Graduate ceremony brings industry together to showcase innovative work in artificial intelligence by students from the Certificate in Foundations of AI.

The demand for proficient artificial intelligence (AI) practitioners is on the rise, with more and more AI-ready professionals required to help businesses across Ireland create and sustain success. According to a recent report by IDA Ireland, 60 percent of Generation X workers have occupations where AI can complement or transform the work they do, with 56% and 52% for Millennials and Gen-Z, respectively.
Responding to this challenge, recently trained professionals in the field of AI were celebrated at an industry event at TU Dublin Grangegorman Campus, 17th June 2024.
Since its inception in 2020, the 12-week online Certificate in Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, developed in partnership with Krisolis and TU Dublin and funded through Technology Ireland ICT Skillnet, has seen over 230 professionals complete the course and begin to address AI challenges and opportunities within their companies, across a wide range of diverse sectors.
The event at TU Dublin Grangegorman Campus brought together graduates and industry partners, to recognise the participants who have completed the programme, celebrate their dedication to furthering AI within their organisations, as well as to highlight how training initiatives like this are massively contributing to an AI-ready workforce in Ireland.
The event included a poster session showcasing participants projects, as well as recognising the achievements of the prize winners in a variety of categories, such as Best Use of AI for Social Good, Most Innovative Use of AI, Best Technical Achievement and Best Public Sector Use of AI.
This course is specifically targeted at anyone interested in transitioning into working with AI, introducing them to the most important ideas, techniques, and applications of AI. Another feature of note about the course is the unique access to 1-1 mentoring, which gives a very bespoke experience for each participant.
Paschal Donohoe, Minister for Public Expenditure, National Development Plan Delivery and Reform, joined the event to give an inspiring opening address and to present awards to participants for outstanding projects. In his opening remarks Minister Donohoe noted his delight in seeing how this programme allows people from both technical and non-technical backgrounds to come together to develop their skills in the area of AI.
Minister Donohoe said, “Your commitment to learning and innovation is an inspiration and exemplar to your colleagues. As you move forward, armed with new knowledge and skills, I encourage you to continue exploring the possibilities of AI and to drive positive change within your organisations. Together, we are not just preparing for the future – we are actively shaping it. By embracing AI, we can enhance our public services, increase efficiency, and ultimately improve the quality of life for the public we serve.”

Aoife D’Arcy, CEO of Krisolis, said, “Today’s event focused on the hard work and dedication of our participants and we were honoured to have Paschal Donohoe join us to give an inspiring opening address and present awards to participants with outstanding projects. It was so lovely to see Minister Donohoe taking the time to engage with the participants in our poster session, finding out about their projects and how the developed solutions can be applied within their organisations.”
Susan Kelly, Operations Director for Technology Ireland ICT Skillnet said, “The success of our graduates underscores the critical role of comprehensive AI education in fostering innovation and competitiveness in the industry. Our collaboration with Krisolis and TU Dublin has enabled professionals from a myriad of sectors to develop practical AI skills, driving both personal career growth and broader technological advancement within their organisations. It was truly an honour to be part of this remarkable event and hear firsthand from graduates the huge impact the programme has had on them.”
Winners of the graduate awards for the Certificate in Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

Applications are now open for the online Certificate in Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, starting 24th September 2024. Learn more and speak with the Technology Ireland ICT Skillnet team about accessing subsidised course fees.